Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear”

Close Reading Questions

Name_kensi, Mohamed, Elmer, Tyena, Jacob  Pd.2B

Directions:  Answer the questions.  Use textual evidence to support your responses.

1. Identify  What is the author’s claim?  Write it here, punctuating the quotation accurately,  and cite the paragraph number.

That some people's mind set are different especially if you have different reaction on certain things, One person can be extremely scared and something don't get phased at all.

2. Speculate  Based on the information provided in the selection, what might cause a person to choose to self-scare?

So they can entertain themselves and to just get a little fright in them.

3.  Recall  Reread paragraphs 3-4 closely.  Describe the different human reactions to danger.

Well in your mind it depend on what happens, you can either react in a bad way for example you getting mugged and your first thought is to take off or defend yourself but if your paying people to scare you then your doing self-scare.

4. Classify  Reread paragraph 6 closely.

Provide one example of a learned fear.

If you got bit by a dog you would react in a fearful way towards dogs.

           Provide one example of an innate (instinctive, genetic) fear.

To be scared of death.

6.  Recall  Reread paragraphs 6-8 closely.

What characteristics do superhero monsters from different cultures all have in common?

All of these animal are either fiction or real we just don't know. Some people have seen these tyoes of monster and some people have but are so sure they're real. All of these monsters were found out in the 1900’s in the olden days.

Why do so many cultures have their own versions of superhero monsters?

Because superhero monsters are based on different cultures and backgrounds.

7. Paraphrase  Reread paragraph 13 closely. Describe why events in which people experience

        feelings of fear or happiness together might cause those people to feel an attachment to one

        another after the event has passed.

They’re these different type of hormones that are sent out through you body into your reactant system.

8.  Analyzing  How would you describe the author’s diction?  Name the type of style the author writes

        with.  Then write 3 quotes from the article that are examples of this type of style.

Style Type: Formal (Look at your “Traits of Nonfiction” notes to answer this.)

Examples: “New research from David Zald shows that people differ in their chemical response to thrilling situations. One of the main hormones released during scary and thrilling activities is dopamine, and it turns out some individuals may get more of a kick from this dopamine response than others do.”