Primary Source Documents


Key Historical Question: What political and intellectual/cultural role did the Catholic Church play in the lives of Medieval Europeans? How and why did secular rulers and the church both cooperate and conflict with each other?


Document A


Plaque with Emperor Otto I presenting the Cathedral of Magdeburg, 962–968. Ottonian; From the Cathedral of Magdeburg, probably made in Milan, northern Italy.

In this ivory carving, Byzantine Emperor Otto is the small figure on the left. He is holding a model of a cathedral. He presents it to Jesus, who is the one sitting in the middle. Jesus is blessing the cathedral. Otto is pictured with many saints, including St. Peter.

Document B

"CHAPTER I. CONCERNING THE EMBASSY SENT OUT BY THE LORD EMPEROR." Capitulary of Charlemagne Issued in the Year 802. (From "Mon. Germ. hiss." [Quarto Series] LL. IL., p. 91 99; also to be found in " Altmann u. Bernheim," p. 4.) *edited for clarity

A monk wrote about the rule of Charlemagne. Below he discusses how Charlemagne sent out officials to keep the peace & God’s law.


"The most peaceful and most Christian emperor Charles (Charlemagne), did choose from among his nobles the most careful and wisest men to be archbishops as well as other bishops, and abbots, and holy common men. He did send them over his whole kingdom; and did order through them that men should live according to the law and what is right. He did order them, moreover, that, when anything in the law seems wrong, they should inquire into this most diligently, and make it known to the king. And he, God granting, tries to fix it. And let no one, through his cleverness, dare to oppose the written law. But all should live together according to the laws of God in a fairness and under just judgment, and each one should be ordered to live in unity with the others in his occupation or calling. [...] all should live together in mutual charity and perfect peace."

 Document C


POPE GREGORY, in Basic Documents in Medieval History about Henry IV. 1077.

After disobeying the orders of the pope, Emperor Henry IV was excommunicated (kicked out of the Church) by the pope.To get forgiveness he walked to the Vatican City where the pope lived. He did this in winter and had to cross the mountain range called the Alps. Below Pope Gregory writes about Henry standing at the Vatican City gates begging for forgiveness.


"There, after laying aside all the belongings of royalty, with bare feet and clad in wool, he [Henry IV] continued for three days to stand before the gate of the castle. Nor did he desist from imploring with many tears the aid and consolation of the holy mercy until he had moved all of those who were present there."



Document D


The Bull of Pope Adrian IV Empowering Henry II to Conquer Ireland. A.D. 1155 (Lyttleton's "Life of Henry II.," vol. v. p. 371.) *edited for clarity

Bishop Adrian writes a letter below to King Henry II of England. Henry has been trying to conquer the country of Ireland and spread Christianity there. In the letter the bishop tells Henry that he approves of his attempt & hopes he will continue to try to bring Christianity to Ireland.

"Bishop Adrian, servant of the servants of God, sends to his dearest son in Christ, the famous king of the English, greetings and blessings. The bishop admires and celebrates the king and knows he will be rewarded in heaven. Because like a good catholic prince, he has tried to expand the rule of the church and to spread the truth of the Christian faith to ignorant and barbarous people, and to weed out the plants of evil from the field of the Lord. [...], by God's help, he will win. Actions that are based in faith and love of religion usually to come to a good end and termination."


Document (Write the letter of the document)

Key words, images, or people

Summarize the Reading

How does the document show the power of the Church?



St. Peter

Otto is holding his Cathedral and getting it blessed.

His choice to make a Cathedral.



Charlemagne is the best because he makes everyone to follow God.

He made a law to follow God’s law and he sent priests to make people follow the law.


Emperor Henry IV

Henry IV disobeyed the Pope and got kicked out of church and he is trying to get back in.

Henry is kicked out because he did not obey and Henry begs to get back in


Bishop Adrian

Adrian sends greetings and blessings to King Henry II and he helped spread Christianity to stop evil.

Making Henry spread Christianity to Ireland by fighting.